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Which Brain Do You Think You Use?

Modern research has come to a very significant fact, one of the most significant achieved in this century, and that is that we do not have one mind, we have

Social Media Persona
Personal Development

How Accurate Is Your Social Media Persona?

Put more simplistically, what Identity are you showing to the online world? We humans get awfully attached to who we think we are and one of the reasons for that

Image smith
Life in General

Your Point of Difference v Nike’s

My Point of Difference (aka Unique Selling Proposition), to coin a rather hackneyed phrase is to live the life I want, on the terms I want, as positively as possible against

Create The Life You Want
Life in General

How Can You Create The Life You Want?

There are a few key elements to designing the life we want and these might come in handy as the year steams ahead. Some of us have already learned to


What’s Your Anxiety Level?

Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Panic Disorders are different things but anyone who has suffered from any of these categories doesn’t really care; they just want to overcome the problem. “A

Create Our Own Reality
Personal Development

Do We Really Create Our Own Reality?

Now, I’m not talking about all that “Law of Attraction,” stuff which has exploited a very natural law and that is, where we put our attention is what we usually

Change Your Life
Business Strategy

How To Reset Your Course and Change Your Life?

I was prompted to write this article because recently a Company I was involved with imploded. The primary reason was that the three directors refused to change their mental or

Compatible With Your Work
Personal Development

Are You Compatible With Your Work?

If we choose some work in which we believe, then it is vital that we understand that there will be some rules that go with the game. It’s only smart

The Future
Life in General

Why Does The Future Often Look Bleak?

I was chatting to my lady tonight and saying I had noticed now more than ever that many people seem to be worried about the future. “Really worried,” I said.

How Can Intelligence Improve Our Lives
Life in General

How Can Intelligence Improve Our Lives?

 Many confuse improving ourselves with another topic altogether and that is, “can we actually improve our lives?”                           

How Can Negativity Be Positive
Life in General

How Can Negativity Be Positive?

Well it can if you go into it wholeheartedly. The reason why people can be negative their whole lives is only because they have NOT been total about their negativity.

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