What Clients Say

What Clients Say
What business coaching has taught me about life so far…
It wasn’t long ago I was sitting at this very computer typing in the words “I need help!” not to be mistaken for being in a deeply depressed state, the opposite in fact. Life was good so it seemed, money a plenty and toys and woman around me to satisfy enough of the urges a boy must fulfil at some stage of life. Business was growing-not at any record breaking rate but the future could have been easily predicted.
It wasn’t so bad. A lot more than average would have been available to me. A stable fairly predictable cash flow business, A few properties, wife with 2 ½ kids and a dog, a bigger house than I need with a nice backyard and swimming pool. Time would have been sacrificed for the aforementioned. A bit of stress here and there. A worthwhile trade-off for the blue collar business owner.
Why the cry for help then?
Something happened that day, the vibration was strong, it couldn’t be totally capped this fine day and the inner was searching for something that it couldn’t easily fulfil or find for itself. The end result that I had easily painted was not in harmony with that tip of the iceberg vibration. There was a big conflict!
3 years later and here I am, same business but with a huge difference. Little did I know that day that I reached out to the world it would set a course of self-discovery, adventure, fun and laughter that I would never have believed if someone had told me if they pushed me through that door.
In fact, if someone had ever told me that Business Coaching could bring this with it I would have laughed in their face with a confident smirk and gone back to my office desk and brushed it off “just another fad scheme”. ..I had to walk through that door myself.
There are a few definitive times I have experienced with coaching that have proved to be the catalyst for the topic at hand-the short term goal that all the work beforehand was leading to. I don’t particularly believe that the coach knew exactly what form it would take or when this “event” I talk of would come, they would take on many different forms but the confidence of the coach to push for it and to know when it comes and then to stand a bit closer in the transition to the next stage is what you actually pay them for and at that particular time of the coaching, the level at which the coach re-sets his compass, I feel, is by these events.
At a certain time we implemented our new Recruitment process and a few weeks later we had an admin girl in and thank God we did. What a relief it was to get someone else in to do the tasks I didn’t want to do and the level at which they were done was far superior to what I could ever had produced. I got back a lot of time, believe me.
Not only that, but now after 3 years, the Company Revenue has significantly increased, we are making more money, have better profit margins and great systems in place, and we have spun off another Company in an entirely new Territory; we have two Managers, a Customer Service Manager, better Technicians, and I have ALL the tools I need to take the business to wherever I want.
Chris Redondo, CEO of Ryco 24/7 Ingleburn / Gregory Hills
Chris is a great mentor; he was a huge support in a time when I needed clarity and direction. He is a wealth of knowledge, easy to talk to and walks his talk! He kept me accountable to getting things done in my life and work. It was a joy meeting with him every week and I highly recommend him as a business mentor.
Atol Dupuche, Owner of Free Your Passion Project
One of the things I really appreciate about Chris is his ability and caring to stick around when the going gets tough. To be there and stay engaged, to wrestle with me… in a way that only deepens the relationship. And to not judge or ridicule.
In life there are times when our behaviour towards each other is less than pretty. And we need to be confronted to learn and grow. But the truth is hard to hear. Chris has an extraordinary ability to express what needs to be said without an emotional charge. And his honesty with people is considered and well-timed.
In my experience with Chris this type of engagement has only left me feeling incredibly supported and deeply loved.
“The test of thankfulness is not what you have to be thankful for, but whether anyone else has reason to be thankful that you are here”
Chris I really like this way of considering thankfulness.. And I would like to say that I’m absolutely sure there are many people who are grateful you are here, me included.
Chris is the BEST coach / mentor / leader / friend anyone could ever wish for. One in a trillion. World class.
Ros Ahtee, Proactive Edge. Bookkeeping & Consultancy
Being one of the most interesting men I have met in my life his impact could easily be noticed if you were a fly stuck to the wall since 2012, watching me since when we first met. The only way I could begin to described this to everyone else but the fly would be that I now notice my feet on the ground, the weight going from one foot to the other in a motion that has not a particular purpose but to create graceful movement for the body to travel a little further to another place.
This noticing of my feet touching the ground would have gone unnoticed before my meeting of Chris Borrett, it would have just been another fast walk to another deadline, or fire to put out, or the subtle collection of things you think you may need to have a ‘happy’ life….
Like a cool, sharp, crisp morning breeze to the face Chris Borrett has bought me into the present moment, sometimes only just very briefly. For this I’m eternally grateful.
For those that don’t know, Chris was officially my business coach for 5 years from 2012 – 2017 and we went on a little journey that most of the time had nothing and everything to do with my business.
Chris Borrett was my Business Mentor and Coach whom I engaged to assist me with Pricing and Value for my services, to helping me be more accountable with my short term and long term goals in life and in business.
Aside from being a lawyer himself, more importantly he has a solid grounding in how to run a successful Business with a deep knowledge of profit, sales, profit drivers, margins, time and self- management to marketing, establishing your niche and putting processes in motion. Naturally he has owned successful businesses himself.
On a side note, which might be difficult to believe, revenue within the practice rocketed within months by approximately 260% and is now sustaining a predictable level well above that with profit to match.
If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, I strongly urge you to ring him and see if you’re a match.
Tim Southwell-Keely, Owen Hodge Lawyers Sydney
We at Penrith City Tyres have been coaching with Chris for about 1.5years now and have grown our business approx 60%. He has helped us to understand more about how our business works and how to make it profitable.
Without his help we’re not sure where we would be, but certainly not in a good place.
One of the best things about coaching with Chris is his constant contact with you, he continually keeps in touch and makes sure your continually motivated to keep driving forward.
Leon Fell, Owner & CEO, Penrith City Tyres & Automotive
I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for all your work with Doug and myself.
Chris, know that you make a difference.
As a business we now have:
A Mission & Vision Statement which we adhere to
Set Goals and met them.
We have Systems and Procedures in place.
We have reports and record data on our leads, conversion rate, profit and loss statements, gross profits, net profits and cash flow.
Brochures for our products and a comprehensive price list is set up
We have moved from a home based business to one working from our factory.
Working far more professionally with all aspects of Testing and Measuring, setting up ongoing liaisons with regular clients and retaining them.
Chris is a great mentor and is committed to helping you achieve whatever goals you set for yourself.
I am beyond thrilled with the results that Chris has helped us to achieve in both our professional career and our personal life.
We know we would not be where we are at today without his guidance, patience, and support.
Kind regards
Doug & Dianne Meredith, Go Get Glazed Pty Ltd
Chris has been unbelievably helpful to me and my business. He has led me to doors of opportunities by understanding the many areas of business and personal development I never knew before – Positioning, Systems, Time Management, How To Get Your Weekends Back, Business Direction – name it!
Not only has Chris helped me with these things but I now understand what Pre-tax Net Profit my business should have, how to calculate accurately the breakeven at any given time (not so obvious!), why the Labour Efficiency Ratio (LER) is so important and how to improve it, and what the Overhead Absorption Rate means, and what those figures signify for the future of the business.
Furthermore, his introduction to Tony Hsieh’s method of “Delivering Happiness” has totally changed my view of Customer Service.
If you’re thinking of getting a Business Coach or Personal Development Mentor, you get both in Chris!
Ben Lucre, Owner of BRL Kitchens / Smeaton Grange
Where to begin?
As a business owner whose family background and upbringing is not in business, the last 12 years of my life of building my business from the ground up on nothing more than a gut feeling, has been a mix of trial and error, hitting the bottom and finding the strength somehow to pick myself up, keep going and figuring things out along the way plus not really sure what the ‘ business journey…you’ll get there eventually’ was all about. Where was ‘there’?
Chris Borrett entered my life a few years ago. Another business coach who was working on some business automation with me, so that I could have maternity leave and step away from the business for a little while, introduced us. It wasn’t love at first sight but he definitely left a lasting impression of someone strong and solid and he had some very useful business insights.
It wasn’t until 3.5 years later, when at the time I was ready to give the business away for a dime because I was so burnt out and bummed out, that Chris rang me and basically asked “how’s it going?”
What has ensured from there on in is for me a sounding board on where I can rest as an individual female in business. It is a lonely place and with no blueprint. Chris has been able to help me clear away the cobwebs and not only facilitate me re-engaging with my business, but also reigniting my passion for business development to take my business to a higher and more prosperous level than what I thought possible.
Chris is direct yet soft in his approach. He creates the space and room for me to still be ‘me’ in the business, whilst providing the framework and structure that my business really needs to succeed.
It’s funny because I had so many great ideas about what I wanted to do with my business and I honestly feel that I have only really just begun on these now after all these years since working with Chris.
If you are looking for the silver bullet to success, you won’t find it. If you are looking for honesty, integrity, compassion and a non BS approach, give Chris a call.
I’m happy to give verbal references also.
Catherine McMurtrie, Founding CEO, Emergency & Preventative Accounting Specialists
I’ve been working with Chris for over 1 year now and am pretty amazed at the results he has achieved for my Company and I.
When I was first referred to him by one of my customers, I was a bit sceptical and actually didn’t think my business could be scaled to do any better.
Chris was very up-front and asked me what would it take for Business Coaching and him working with me to be a great investment. I told him, I needed a better recruitment process to begin with so I could take the business to the next level and I wanted to stop working so hard, as I hadn’t taken a decent break in 10 years and the stress levels were not healthy.
Not only did I manage to get a very effective recruitment process going, the Company’s profit margins have increased dramatically and Chris has helped in the re-structure of the Company and saved literally thousands of dollars. Hard to believe I know.
Not only has Chris helped the Company and I achieve these targets, overall, the personal satisfaction now is far higher and my quality of life far superior.
Without going on further, if you’re working too hard, stressed out, bored or feeling you can never live the life you deserve, do yourself a favour and ring him.
Dave Bonanno, Managing Director/Owner of Nutek Mechanical
Chris has been instrumental in the uplift of EPAS. He joined my practice in July 2018 as a Strategic Business Coach and has been able to help us untangle areas that needed to be straightened out, to then allow us to soar forward.
Chris’ approach is calm but meticulous and he has an ability to connect with all our team members on various levels. His coffees and cakes each visit are well looked forward to.
Catherine McMurtrie (as of 1 Jan 2020), Founding CEO, Emergency & Preventative Accounting Specialists
I started my coaching and mentoring journey with Chris in July 2022. When I first signed up,
I thought Chris was a person who is going to be my business coach, who could help me
manage my business better and be more financially rewarding.
However, from the very beginning, I already found Chris’ approach different from many
other well-known dental coaches. With most dental coaches, you get regular group lectures,
you may get assigned a personalised coaching assistant. While the lecture contents benefit
most business owners, you seldom get to speak to the main coach on a 1-on-1 basis. They
are also very strict on the time allocated to you.
With Chris, every session is 1-on-1 and he always makes me feel like I am not only his ‘client’,
but someone he deeply cares about. All his advice is tailor-made and not cookie-cutter. He
genuinely WANTS you to do better. He cares about your business but he cares about you as
a person more than anything. Our sessions more than often go WAY overtime because there
are always countless issues or things we want to share with one another.
have learnt a lot about how to collect critical business data, how to interpret them better,
how to leverage my time, people and technologies better than before. Chris also makes sure
the money he helps us save or have earned through his advice, will be more than enough to
cover his coaching fee.
Chris also never directly TELLS you what to do, he would ask you lots of open ended
questions to INSPIRE you to make your own sound decisions. It’s a very brilliant way to find
your own path.
Chris is very good at reading people. Through conversations, questionnaires and tests like
the DISC, values profile and the Enneagram, I feel like I get to know myself more and more. I
recognise what my strengths are and what my weaknesses are. Meanwhile, strengths could
always become a weakness if not enough awareness is given. Weaknesses could be worked
on and be overcome. I feel like I read people around me differently and slowly have become
a different version of myself without consciously trying.
The biggest issue I have had in the past has mainly revolved around recruitment. Right now,
I have the strongest team and we all love each other and support one another. The whole
team shows genuine passion for the business and this really shows through everyday and
our patients are always commenting how grateful they are because of our remarkable level
of care. I feel like my team now really KNOWS I care about them. By getting my team
members to do the DISC questionnaires, I have learned to communicate and train better
with them. All these in turn have made our team stronger.
On a personal level, I have always had self-confidence and abandonment issues. Through
coaching, Chris has made me realise I am a person worthy of laughter, worthy of love and
worthy of unimaginable happiness!
There is always so much room for improvement and so much to implement, Chris is there to
guide me to recognise what are the best ways to set my priorities and goals. He helps me
uterlise my time in the best ways possible. I believe this would immensely help any other
business owners who have never had a business coach/mentor.
In merely 2 years, Chris is so far from just being my business coach. He has also become my
life coach, my sounding board, my counsellor, my true friend and my companion!
Thank you Chris, from the bottom of my heart! 🙂
Dr. Anna Chau, Care Dental Camberwell
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