Check out Chris' latest articles on business, mindset, money and personal development that he publishes on LinkedIn

how clear is your goal
Personal Development

How Clear is Your Goal?

If we are sincere, total in our efforts and persevering, we find out slowly through targets, goal setting, feedback, reflection, self-enquiry and introspection what we would want to do with

sleeping with the enemy
Personal Development

Are You Sleeping with the Enemy?

Many people often wonder why they live in such a hell; usually, it is because we are so unaware we cannot tie the cause and effect together. Sometimes the seed

Start-up Business Must Have
Business Planning

10 Things a Start-up Business Must Have

What do you need to start a Business and more importantly what don’t you need? Well, when I first started out building my legal practices, like most people launching a

Children's Future
Children & Parenting

Aristotle and Your Children’s Future

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great who was born about 384 BC about 90 odd years before Archimedes. Now the whole

Business Strategy

Why is Money Such a Loaded Subject?

Money is a loaded subject because basically we are greedy, let’s face it. If we wanted to keep it simple we would use it as a means of exchange. In

Don't worry
Personal Development

Don’t Worry About Worry

The whole point of the saying, “Be in the moment,” is only because we only have this moment. Because of our lack of sensitivity, it appears as if there is

solving problems
Personal Development

The Problem with Solving Problems

We all must have seen that the problem with solving problems is that unless our basic being is changed, nothing will eventuate of any real significance. We will remain the

What Tony Hsieh Did for Zappos
Personal Development

What Tony Hsieh Did For Zappos

During the course of a lifetime we have many ideas and thoughts on how we would like to express ourselves in the world and in our immediate community and environment.

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