Taking The Jump

How Close To Taking The Jump?

We all have the tendency to think everything to death and it is natural enough because the world in which we have been brought up is orientated almost exclusively to the intellect. This is why women can’t understand men and men have not learned (generally speaking) that women just want to be loved.

Yes, although we have a small fragment of each hemisphere operating within us, the woman functions more from the instinctive at the lowest and the intuition at the highest.

Man on the other hand functions at the lowest from the intellect and at the highest from his intelligence or clarity. That’s why a man is always at a loss when the woman starts throwing things and causing a tantrum, particularly in public where his reality is there for everybody to see. And yes, sometimes a man might also do this too!!

Now, before you so-called intellectuals start screaming and shouting, just reflect for a moment on the last argument you had with your woman or even your man, (if you are so inclined). Wasn’t it infuriating when you grasped that not a word of what you were saying was going in?

The point is that the mind is a coward. Because it is associated with survival we have to be thankful to it as it becomes very efficient in the things that it knows well. However, when it comes to trying something absolutely new and unknown the mind freaks out and will give you all the most intelligent reasons why you will not succeed; in fact, why your failure will be spectacular.

Even when we know this in our guts, the reality is that WHENEVER that moment comes when you have to take the jump into something unknown and alien to your mind, remember it will not be any easier, but “take the jump you must.”

The worst is that you will have at least had the experience and who knows, something might reveal itself about how to tackle it better or perhaps you will just leave it and do something else. The good thing is that even if your grand idea doesn’t work, you will have found out the people who don’t support you and the ones who have supported you will continue to do so.

Once you have thought of the worst possible thing that can happen and inside you something is still crying out to do it, then simply do it.

Good Luck,

Chris Borrett

Image Credit: FreeImages.com-Sebastian Danon

If by chance, you have not encountered my previous posts outside this blog, one of my favourites is about “A Woman’s Labour of Love.” You have the luxury of reading it by clicking here.

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