Is Power an Aphrodisiac

Why Is Power an Aphrodisiac?

In the process of expansion, we lose that sense of self consciousness and confined identity that is called the ego and temporarily forget the trials and tribulations that are our reality of course.

This is where we have been deceived by society. Society rewards those with power and rather than expansion of consciousness and awareness, they settle for a lesser jewel- power and ego gratification. We have all fallen for it somewhere down the track. If you think you have not, you really are deluded-perhaps you went for security.

Man has been cunning in that he has devised many different ways to have influence, power and attract women, people and attention. Power is such an aphrodisiac that at some stage of our lives we are attracted to it. When we have some power it is not only intoxicating but it gives us an illusion that anything is possible, and this feeling makes us feel very expansive.

Man has somehow organised it that way so that he has many means of attracting people and attention, and for millennia he has left the woman only her body to attract attention. He can use prestige, career, money, connections, seniority, influence, great wealth and anything at all to exert whatever power he likes.

It is obvious then, that with only this avenue left, young girls and older women alike will still be so body orientated that it must be hard for them to explore other arenas of their own.; this is a generalisation of course, but a strong tendency down the ages. It is also why women are so obsessed with their looks and their body at whatever age. Not their fault!!

Man has reduced woman, generally speaking to a sex object or if you want to sound more poetic, to an object of worship, but still an object. It is not accidental or coincidental that the spread of pornography has been a worldwide phenomenon and that women everywhere, from Russia to New Zealand use their bodies to get what they cannot get otherwise.

There must come a time soon, when women gain and can use their true power and are able to influence the world for the better, because men, generally speaking still operate from their minds rather than their hearts; consequently, the inequality between women and men in the workplace has never really shifted that much. And men have made such a mess of the world.

Unless we can access the power of the feminine as well as the power of the masculine, things will always be lopsided and the continuing wars will always be commonplace.

Image Credit: Bichara

Chris Borrett


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