You Couldn't Fail

What Would You Do if You Believed You Couldn’t Fail?

During the course of a lifetime we have many ideas and thoughts on how we would like to express ourselves in the world and in our immediate community and environment.

Some of these ideas we think we can even make some money out of and other ideas are simply more personal and from which we expect nothing in the sense of monetary outcome; both are valid.

If, however you have an idea which you feel could be financially beneficial to you and your family, friends and larger community, global or otherwise, the best thing is to get the idea out there. If you think your idea is such a winner, try and sell it! You will probably find that you won’t get much for it.

The truth is that you will have to do some work and either make it, produce it, manufacture it, create it, and start a process whereby you can sell it. Otherwise it is just a pipe dream and most dreams have gone down the drain because the tendency to give up is strong when our passion is felt to be either unappreciated or even ridiculed.

The thing with ideas is that they are a small fragment of the whole process required to get people interested enough to buy whether you’re selling products, information or services. We all fall into the trap of saying we don’t have enough time, but cut out a few hours of TV, Movies, socialising or just plain wasting time on Social media and we can find that there is indeed more than enough time.

Many times I get stuck thinking the same things because I am also interested to get my ideas out there into the mainstream and these ideas although addressed to the mainstream are often resisted by those either with a closed mind or those with nothing better to do with their time than criticise.

The good thing is that when we make a strong stand for something like I do on “The Human Condition,” you may get people off side, but be sure that if you do NOT get some people offside you are NOT pushing hard enough and your ideas are mediocre. Not that in themselves the ideas are mediocre, but that you have not illustrated how your ideas can add real value to a person’s life.

So then, what was it you wanted to do if you believed you could not fail?

Chris Borrett


If by chance, you have not encountered my previous posts outside this blog, one of my favourites is about “A Woman’s Labour of Love.” You have the luxury of reading it by clicking here.

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