
The Trick To Money Is Having Some

Once we understand that money is nothing but a tool or medium of exchange we can take the heat out of the word. In its true context money is a “currency,” and like a current functions best when it is circulating and when it is flowing.

The trick to money is having a relatively even flow. If it moves too fast then nothing is left and spenders know this fact. Conversely, money should not just be lying around being hoarded; Hoarders know this feeling of boredom and emptiness. In nature a river flows, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.

A thorough self-examination of our characteristics and our attitude to money is a necessity to an understanding of money and a mastery of it.

With the right attitude even a person with a little money can live like a Queen or King; it is just a knack and even a rich person can sometimes live like a pauper.

Find out how you can live your life the way you want. It might be easier than you think.

On the other hand, if you’re thinking of retirement you have other considerations. The idea of retirement is a recent one and some say it was invented after WWII to keep the Silent Generation working away in the factories, warehouses, steel mills, and automobile plants, so that they would not revolt. All this in America.

The promise now obviously no longer relevant was basically, that you work hard now, save your dollars, and retire in Florida. It worked for some. The few who made a lot of money and saved are now enjoying life leisurely, in fancy retirement villages in special communities or are long since gone.

For most, however, retirement proved to be a cruel joke. Many retired people live a very meagre life in old homes, old clothes, unwholesome food, and endless TV. This reality is evident all over the world, not just in America.

To be in the flame as far as your work life is concerned, and making the money you’d like depends largely on whether you love what you’re doing. There are other options, but this is by far the easiest route as you will be absolutely energised by the work you need to do, rather than be drained by it. And you’ll need to love it because otherwise it’s too easy to quit.

The first prerequisite to re-inventing yourself is to realise that what you are doing is not fulfilling you.

However, if the job is fulfilling you, then perhaps a total re-assessment of your situation is needed to discover the benefits and the rewards you’re already receiving.

Often we take for granted what’s right before our eyes and under our noses.

In short you can re-invent yourself if you want to badly enough.
Chris Borrett

Image N.K.

If by chance, you have not encountered my previous posts outside this blog, one of my favourites is about “A Woman’s Labour of Love.” You have the luxury of reading it by clicking here.

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