How Much Leverage Can Your Business Get From Social Media

How Much Leverage Can Your Business Get From Social Media?

If we look at the trend of social media you would be forgiven if you thought it was less for conversation and for content, and more for selfies and entertaining pictures.

These days it’s not so clear that people actually thirst more “for honest, real and human interaction” online rather than for simply “putting it out there.” Researchers have indicated that any businesses’ approach of creating content to engage with the public is quite outdated and that content can spark conversation, but it will soon become a supporting role only.

A few years ago one technology firms’ proposition, that we should use specific technology to engage people, was misleading, as it is the human spirit, and the passion of a person that adds value and carries the real message of hope and the possibility of a better future. It is said that “the best technology can only be intuitive and invisible as it will not create a community.”

These days the very fabric of social media is to create community and those forums and messages that invoke and provoke the spirit of “community” are the ones which invariably prove overwhelmingly successful over time,

There is much available content on the many ways that social media can keep relevant but as Christopher S. Rollyson, a partner in said some time ago, “I firmly believe that digital social networking, because it enables more social interaction and because humans are overwhelmingly social, is the 21st century dial tone.”

Most people can only learn about themselves if they interact with their fellow human beings mixed with some reflection, contemplation or meditation. Social media gives everyone the chance to at least engage with others, whether or not they get to engage offline as well; at least the first interaction can be a precursor of greater things to come as the online aficionado can get their feet wet later in the real world and in real time.

This real time interaction is vitally important, as it applies uniquely to any knowledge of ourselves, which is exactly why escaping to a cave in India or anywhere else, serves little to no real purpose.

So, it seems the involvement with others, which people crave, whether online or offline, cannot be manufactured, nor can it be contrived, but it can move at warp speed when the person, forum or business serves as host and the community is doing most of the interacting.

Lastly, as Chris Rollyson also said, “The best parties are given by hosts who know how to invite the right people, make appropriate introductions, provide ancillary amenities and let their guests do the talking.”

So, how much leverage can your business get by engaging in Social Media and can this translate into meaningful relationships, entertainment or something more substantial such as serving people’s needs and providing valuable services or even products for that matter.

Well, you tell us.


Chris Borrett

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