Do you love your work

How Much Do You Love Your Work?

As far as passion based work is concerned if you choose work where your passion is involved it is far more likely that you will persevere when the going gets tough; as it does.

The generations following fast in our foot tracks are going to shape the world as far as they are concerned at least. This is how it should be.

For example, Generation X, Gen Y, the Millennials and younger versions are very mobile savvy and many of them use their mobiles, Iphones and Androids perhaps even more than their laptops or PC’s; Mac users are another breed of course. This mobile use is now a worldwide trend and they say that in Australia at least 40% of people are using mobiles for online banking.

We cannot expect everything to be rosy or easy going all the time and if it was like that for us, we would hardly learn the real and essential lessons of life, where dialectics and the world of opposites meet. Namely, where one situation turns into its opposite and one minute we were elated and the next minute devastated. Does this sound familiar?

Even with a passion for your work, I have found that it requires some sort of concentrated effort but that this “effort,” needs to be undertaken in a light hearted way, which is not always easy to say the least.

Not only, that but the windows of opportunity are sometimes so small that we need very perceptive eyes to see that small hole in the wall or that work opportunity, and we need to seize them almost without thinking about them.

If you are lucky enough to have a personality (read individuality) where “passion,” is as much a part of your raison d’etre as breathing is, you will find that you are either making it happen out there in the real world or at least trying to make it happen.

The expression “making it happen,” put more simply I’d say, is an effort to express your energy in the world in a form that will recompense you and sustain body and limb.

Many people ignore their passion and that is not the real problem for them. The real problem is that if they do so for too long, they will eventually lose touch with their essential nature and the possibility of ever having sufficient intuition to re-discover it.

I hope you have a passion that endures, irrespective of whether it is work related or otherwise.

Chris Borrett

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