Role Modelling

What Are The Disadvantages Of Role Modelling?

One of the modern day “success tools” of today is known as role modelling. It is a good enough method to use providing you have the role models to call upon; if not then books, tapes or inspirational messages can sometimes spur us on to action.

There is a book called the Imitation of Christ I read when I began my life’s journey and there are many other such books extolling the virtues of Saints, Sages and oracles. Probably the single most cause of suffering is to imitate anyone even if they are considered the Highest of the High because this is NOT being true to yourself. You are NOT that person and never will be. To truly imitate Christ you will need to be crucified and no Christian has ever done this to our knowledge.

Now whilst the pursuit of excellence in the material world is vastly different from this imitation, the form of success coaching or role modelling I am talking about is known better as Success Conditioning, which still takes us from our essence.

Another down side to role modelling is that you will lose yourself in the imitation of your role models; you will wonder why things are not really working out for you the way you expected or the way things have worked out for your role model and it is even possible that you will lose momentum regarding your original intentions.

This style of coaching, role modelling or mentoring can be helpful in the beginning and can often go on for years but sooner or later you will need to develop your own personal style.

Once you have really decided to embark upon what you feel will be a successful life, the best thing to do is to realise that the pursuit of your dream is for you to accomplish and no one else.

When we understand this, we will have a power source inside which galvanizes us into action. The insight that there is NO-ONE ELSE who can do it for you.

The truly successful human beings in any walk of life have always demanded of themselves more than anyone else would ever have demanded.

There is a very good reason for this, and that is, that the people who have never demanded anything much of you have NEVER EVER demanded anything much of themselves.

Now write down the names of three people who inspire and encourage you without wanting anything in return and three people for whom there is some investment in their advice.

This is very important because it is not always the case that if someone is paid they do not have your best interests at heart. Nor is it always the case that someone who does something for nothing is always purely motivated by unselfishness, loving and altruistic tendencies.

What will your life be if you continue as before? Write down all the things you associate with your life.

What could your life be like if you gave it everything?

Chris Borrett

Image Credit- Domaradzki

If by chance, you have not encountered my previous posts outside this blog, one of my favourites is about “How To Make A Decision and Stick To It”. You have the luxury of reading it by clicking here.

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